Marine Manasian
Available for gigs all over Europe.
Marine Manasian has created her own sound, in which traditional Eastern feeling and Armenian language merge with contemporary Western electronic sound. She manages to maintain a delicate balance by mixing elements from different cultures. And she transcends it all with a magnificent, almost lyrical voice, through which she conveys all the emotions generated by the history of her country.
On stage, she alternates between very dynamic tracks and others that are more bewitching.
New Album
Release date: 13/10/2023
French PR: Agence Dooweet
Distribution: Inouïe Distribution
- 20/05/2023 - EREVAN (Armenia)
- 30/06/2023 - VALENCE (France)
- 01/07/2023 - LYON (France)
- 16/07/2023 - EREVAN (Armenia)
- 04/08/2023 - GYUMRI (Armenia)
- 13/10/2023 - EREVAN (Armenia)
- 10/11/2023 - ALFORTVILLE (France)
- 11/11/2023 - PARIS (France)
- 24/11/2023 - STEPANAVAN (Armenia)
- 07/04/2024 - Festival Human Me, TBILISSI (Georgia)
- 01/06/2023 - PARIS (France)
- 10/10/2024 - Changeover Festival, BELGRADE (Serbia)
- 12/10/2024 - Fashion show, TBILISI (Géorgie)
- 19/10/2024 - Hayastan en Berry, CHÂTEAUROUX (France)
- 15/11/2024 - La Bobine - GRENOBLE (France)
- 12/12/2024 - Auditorium de VIENNE (France)
CONTACT: Agnès Portal +33 (0)6 07 94 32 51
Press Review

Blog / USA 🇺🇸
« Her voice is a remarkable instrument, rich, deep, and resonant, carrying the weight of the song’s emotional depth with grace and power. »

Blog / France 🇫🇷
« Un chef-d’œuvre sonore qui tisse magnifiquement les fils de la tradition et de l’expression contemporaine. »

Blog / UK 🇬🇧
«The lyrics seem to pour out of her soul and fly to the listeners. »

Blog / Brésil 🇧🇷
« Uma rica melodia que mistura cores do oriente e ocidente, fascinando a percepção de qualquer ser consciente. »